Tag: pansexual

Out Of The Closet: Sheni Shares Her Story

Dear People, Meet 28-year old Singaporean Sheni Nedumaran. Sheni is a pansexual. Yes, a pan-sexual. Human sexuality don’t just comprise of hetrosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality. Despite the fact that high profile celebrities like Miley Cyrus has come out as pansexual, pansexuality is one of the many other alternative sexualities that don’t receive much media coverage…

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10 Sexual Orientations You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Dear Straight People, If you find it hard to wrap your heads around the concepts of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgender sexuality, wait till you find out about all the other sexual orientations that are out there! Get ready to have your mind blown with these 10 other sexual orientations that you’ve probably never heard of before: Pansexual/Omnisexual:

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