Tag: Dustin Sohn

Top 10 Most Read Coming Out Stories Of All Time!

In 2015, we launched the Out Of The Closet series and since then, we’ve published over 60 different coming out stories.

Almost 5 years on, here are our top 10 most read coming out stories of all time!

12 LGBT Asians From Around The World Share Their First Coming Out Experience

Dear Queer People, The only thing more nerve racking than coming out is coming out for the first time.  Uncertainty is a scary thing. And it’s exacerbated by the fact that the consequences can be dire should things not pan out as planned. But for many of us, coming out is a rite of passage that

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10 Reasons Why People Need To Stop Hating On Topless Selfies

Dear People,                     To post or not to post? What lame reason should I use to justify my topless selfie? Should I google an inspirational quote as an excuse for my shirtless shot? Those are the questions I ask myself whenever my topless selfie game is on point. And then one day, I started to ask myself

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20 Openly Gay Asians Share Their Advice On Coming Out

Dear Gay People, To come out or not to come out? That’s the million dollar question we all have to face eventually. But it’s a question that has no right answer. And as you ponder over this issue, it’s likely that your answer will change with each passing day. It’s a big decision to make. And

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Out Of The Closet: Dustin Sohn Shares His Story

Dear Straight People, Meet 25-year old Korean American Dustin Sohn… and his adorable dog Kai! Born to immigrants, Dustin grew up in predominantly white America, where he conceded that being an ethnic minority contributed significantly to his insecurities. When he started experiencing same-sex attractions during his preteen years, the combination of being both Asian and

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