Tag: humour

18 Funny Gifs That Describes My Typical Night Out At A Gay Club

Dear Straight People, If you’ve always wondered how gay clubs are like, the following 18 gifs that describes a typical night out at a gay club might be able to give you some valuable insight into the matter. Queuing up to get inside the gay club but it’s taking forever 2. When I finally reach

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8 Weird Things Gay Men Do That Are Really Weird

Dear Straight People, If you find gay men’s same-sex attraction weird, wait till you read about the following 8 weird things that gay men do that are even weirder!  1. Gay men like to categorise themselves as animals. The general population categorise body types by using adjectives such as ‘fat’, ‘muscular’ or ‘thin’ etc. Gay men

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12 Of The Worst Grindr Pick-Up Lines Ever Used!

Dear Gay People, If using a bad pick-up line is a crime, then the following 12 gay men should totally be slapped with life imprisonment! Check out the following 12 terrible Grindr pick-up lines that some poor soul on the receiving end actually had to endure. Never ever address a stranger as bae! 2. Never

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10 Struggles Of Gay Asian Men

Dear Gay People, If you are gay and Asian, then you’ll probably be able to identify with the following 10 struggles of every gay Asian male. 1. Your parents are always pressuring you to get a girlfriend 2. But if your parents know that you’re gay, they just pretend that they don’t 3. If your

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Dear Straight People, Why You Do This?

Dear Straight People, If you can help us answer the following 10 questions, that’ll be great thanks. 1. Why do straight people like to flaunt their straightness in public? 2. Why do straight people assume that all gay people are atheists? 3. Why do straight people get to have cool accepting parents? 4. Why do

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10 Ways To Deal With Homophobic People

Dear Gay People, Check out the following 10 ways to deal with homophobic people that will upset them more than they will upset you! 1. Glare at them like they are retarded 2. Tell them to get a life 3. Piss them off by being even more fabulous than you already are 4. Tell them

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15 Witty Responses To ‘Why are you single’ Questions

Dear People, Is a nosey relative/colleague/friend etc getting on your nerves with their ‘Why are you single’ questions? Is your reply that you ‘have no time to date’ starting to sound a bit stale and unconvincing? If your answer to both of those questions is yes, then you need to check out the following 15 witty

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10 Gifs That Sum Up The Gay Dating Scene

Dear Gay People, Check out the following 10 gifs that pretty much sum up the gay dating scene! When you go out with a himbo 2. When you just feel like giving up  3. When the guys on gay apps ask you rude questions 4. When your ex wants to get back together 5. When

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10 Things Straight Women Need To Stop Doing

 Dear Straight Women, As much as we love you in a completely platonic sisterly kind of way, some of the things you do really get to us. Here are 10 things straight women need to stop doing! 1. Stop referring to us as your gay friend We certainly don’t refer to you as our straight

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I Hate Straight People And This Is Why!

Dear Straight People, I’ve had enough! For far too long, I’ve had to put up with your heterosexual nonsense but honestly, I don’t think I can deal with you lot anymore. That’s right! If you haven’t guessed it by now, I’m going to spell it out for you; I am heterophobic! And I have very

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